A story of opportunity , collaboration and contribution "One Bicycle at a Time"

Many lives of people in a Namibian community and locally in Australia, have benefited from a conversation that connected Andy Gild, CEO of Bicycles of Humanity and Andrew Wilson, a YTM Member resulting in a collaboration and positive contribution to improve lives.

Bicycles for Humanity Melbourne was founded by Matt McCullough and Andy Gild in 2008 as the first Australian Bicycles for Humanity (B4H) chapter. They are completely volunteer run and governed by a committee of 8 members.

They are very proud to be part of this global grass-roots movement and have seen first hand how effective the model of Bicycle Empowerment Centres can be in the developing world.

For more details of how you can help or donate to Bicycles of Humanity contact Andy Gild www.bicyclesofhumanity.com and Andrew Wilson, www.essentialsolar.com.au

Podcast created by www.kerryn-powell.com.au

Kerryn Powell, The Network Catalyst, www.kerryn-powell.com.au

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When courage meets compassion


Do what you can - the value of collaboration