Pro Bono Work: Supporting young women through breast

Ever considered the value of pro bono work in the not for profit sector and how you may benefit in the future?

Listen to the conversation between Kerryn Powell, The Network Catalyst and Anna Ronald, a CPA and Registered Tax Agent, with over 15 years accounting experience within the sporting and not-for-profit sectors in both Australia and the UK.

Anna primarily works with SME clients, helping them to grow their business and achieve their goals. She also has two pro-bono clients - both cancer charities:

· So Brave:

· Cancer Support Angels:

Hear what drew her to the pro bono work in the first instance and and how she has benefited both personally and professionally through her involvement.

It is a story that may inspire you to also consider how you could help make a difference, and also provide you with details of two organisations in Melbourne supporting young women through a breast cancer diagnosis.

Thank you to Anna Ronald for sharing

contact Kerryn Powell


Building Contribution Into the Business Model


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