Living life on your own terms

With interest rates continuing to rise and the cost of living increasing, we cannot help but ponder what that will mean for the individual, family or business. This conversation might be able to help you, make some adjustments of your own.

In this episode, Kerryn Powell, The Network Catalyst talks with Sherri Dumbrell, a Certified Money Planner.

Sherri assists individuals, families and businesses create a proven spending plan with innovative budgeting software. As a Spending Planner, she specializes in providing education, tools, practical training and personal assistance for families and individuals who are feeling a real sense of frustration due to day-to-day money stresses and ineffective money management systems.

As a stay at home mum with 5 children, developed excellent time and financial management skills. She shares some essential tips s to help them better manage your finances, and explains how financial literacy is a learned skills. She teachers her clients and family "how to fish" so they can move forward with knowledge of proven tools and confidence needed to manage their finances for the rest of their life.

Contact details:

Sherri Dumbrell

Kerryn Powell, The Network Catalyst,

Facebook: https://www.kerrynpowellytm




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