What does community mean to you?

"A true community is not just about being geographically close to someone or part of the same social web network. It's about feeling connected and responsible for what happens. Humanity is our ultimate community, and everyone plays a crucial role." -a quote by Yehuda Berg.

Kerryn Powell, The Network Catalyst speaks again with Annie Vee, the founder, Women On Walks, a group set up on Facebook for women who like walking in and around Melbourne in a safe and happy environment. When Kerryn originally spoke to Annie in 2020, she had 1,900 followers in the group, and now just a few years later , the group has grown to over 7,500.

The first podcast was entitled Walking Steadily With Purpose , where you will hear how the group originated. Since then, Annie has just kept on walking and building her community!

So what does community mean to you? Listen to this conversation and learn from Annie's experience where she shares what community means to her and how the group has grown.

You will also hear of some the walks that the group has done and how you or other women in your network can benefit from this community and get involved.

Connect with Kerryn:




Connect: Ann Vee - Private facebook group- (WOMEN ONLY ) women on Walks-


What is "Conversations and connections to Amplify & Inspire" all about, Kerryn Powell


Walking Steadily with Purpose (recorded in 2020)