"Building Valuable Relationships: Contributing Our Unique Piece to the Magnificent Kaleidoscope of the World"

I envision the world as a magnificent kaleidoscope or a colossal jigsaw puzzle, where every one of us plays a crucial role and holds a unique piece in the grand picture.

Flip our thinking

We each can contribute in our own way to support one another. Whether that be emotionally, financially, intellectually, physically or a combination of all. If we think past “what’s in it for me” … and flip our thinking to “how can I make a difference?” and focus more on connection and building valuable relationships with others , and contributing our skills in our unique way, both individuals and the world can prosper.

No way, can we achieve anything alone, and it's essential that we recognize that sooner rather than later.

phot by Simon James Photography

There is always more to learn

As a teacher I understood I could never have all the answers.  In more recent times it has become even more apparent that nobody possesses all the answers or can know everything, not even Google or ChatGPT. These are merely tools that help us connect with the information that's available and make some sense of it., but there is always more to learn.  The world is moving fast and its only our ability to adapt, transform and even play a role as a catalyst to make things happen.

From the early years in kindergarten, young children get the chance to share their knowledge and experiences through their show-and-tell sessions, and others learn from them. As Aristotle once said, "Give me a child until he is 7, and I will show you the man."

However, thankfully in today's world, gender is much less of a barrier to learning, and we can build on those early years of foundation learning as adults, when we sharpen our ability to be curious, interested in others and open to conversations, our thinking, challenge our perspectives and strive for ways to support others.  

Authentic conversations tune us in to others

The need to build trusted relationships has never been more important and the conduit to those relationships are real, authentic conversations to tune us in to others, to stand in their shoes, to help make a difference and contribute in our unique and purposeful way.

Hello, I am Kerryn Powell, The Network Catalyst and founder of Your Time Matters and podcast host of Conversations and connections to amplify and inspire. I am a connection strategist, conversation starter and network catalyst who thrives on building communities and creating the right connections for those seeking strategic allies to make a positive impact through connection, contribution and community.

I draw on my diverse career portfolio, experience, skills and knowledge to encourage, support and empower business owners, professionals, teams and individuals to create true connection through authentic conversations that build real relationships, boost confidence and generate business and opportunities.

BOOK a discovery call TODAY, and let’s have a conversation to see how I can help you


Networking for Survival: Honoring Valuable Contributions and Relationships


Networking vs. AI: Exploring Opportunities for Business Expansion