Explore-Excite-Expand- seize every opportunity

How often do you pause to understand the changing world around you and your role in shaping it? It is so important to seize an  opportunity, because you just never know where that could lead.


We learn in a variety of ways

As I sat at the hairdresser recently, I took the opportunity to take time to reflect on how I have evolved over my lifetime, and how we can learn in a variety of ways, by engaging with others and expanding our horizons.  

Over my working life, I have had many different experiences. Worked with and supported  many different people with lived experiences unlike my own. And, I have had many different hairstyles, each marking a different phase in my life.  

When I was younger, there was the perm, the Pixie cut and the bob. The colour also changed.  There was my head of tips, where hair was pulled through a rubber cap with a crochet hook. Each style regularly requiring a step out of my comfort zone as I kept up with trends, tried new things and evolved.

Even across the ten years of running my business, Your Time Matters, my hairstyles have changed!  


Many ways to live your life

Commonality- shelter, food, protection

And as I sat looking in the mirror, I recalled two tattered projects that I'd unearthed in my cupboards while going through the process of decluttering my workspace in preparation for the New Year.

The first a project on housing. Completed as part of my Bachelor of Education, back in 1990.  I recall driving around Melbourne, with my 2-year-old son in his car seat, photographing various architectural styles.  There was the Californian bungalow, the Spanish mission, the Art Deco home, the Victorian Terrace to name just a few. And I realised that although they looked different and had features of the period in which they were built, they all offered their inhabitants shelter, protection, and lifestyle, appropriate to the needs of the families who inhabited them over generations. While different appearance and construction, they reflected cultural, environmental, and personal choices, emphasising the richness , diversity and changing society across the years.

Many ways to live your life- decide what matters to you

The final piece of the project, required us to design our own home.  To bring together all the elements of the perfect home and lifestyle that mattered to you.  My design had open spaces for entertaining, a private garden, a covered walkway from the garage providing protection from the weather and privacy.  I've always said there are many ways to live your life and by observing and watching how other live their lives, we make our own decisions of what matters to us.  


And then there was the battered spiral, project book of my study of a tree.


Capacity to change, renew and adapt

Four seasons of change

In 1982 as part of my early studies in education, one subject required me choose a tree and observe it over the four Seasons.  I chose a prunus blossom in our front garden.  It’s no longer there, but it was a backdrop to our wedding photos and usually blossomed in August and for our son’s first day of school photos, where it was covered in large leaves providing shade.  

Over the year, I recorded the different phases of growth and the associated changes. I noted unique markings, the rough texture of the bark and how the tree supported various ecosystems of plant and animal life while going through its own changes from seasonal loss of leaves, damage from caterpillars, to budding and flourishing all in its own time. In the summary notes, I wrote of unexpected occurrences that I had not anticipated…slowness to blossom, the loss of a branch to a storm.  … a perfect analogy of our own capacity to change, renew and adapt as needed.


Balance of giving and taking

On the way home from the hairdresser with my new cut, I tuned into ABC radio and heard a report of a picture story book called “The Trees”. As synergy would have it, the conversation revolved around the environmental stewardship based on Indigenous knowledge and the symbolism in relationships between people, trees, and community, reflecting a balance of giving and taking in life. ...another analogy!


So why share these stories with you? Because we can learn from opportunities and experiences that are right under our nose, when we are curious, aware and take time to pause.


Every person, every encounter teaches us something

When we ask varied questions of ourselves and others, and are interested in the various perspectives of others, we have the chance to question what matters to us, and can even see the world in a new light, and reflect on what makes each of us unique. Every person, every encounter teaches us something.

We determine the structure and environment that suits our individual needs. Shelter, protection, food  and support, are basic needs and come in many forms, but it is the time you invest in building the right relationships, identifying opportunities, experiencing growth and fulfillment that support you to thrive.

So I'll leave you with this thought.


Explore-Excite-Expand- seize every opportunity

Seize every opportunity. Be ready to explore. Invest in conversations . Connect with others, and be aware that those moments have the power to  excite and inspire you to grow and contribute  

Grab opportunities with both hands. Embrace diverse experiences .Reflect on what you know, gather what you need, allow for adjustments, take action and stop procrastinating before it is too late.

Become more aware of your surrounds, build and value your relationships because you do have access to what you need to change your life and make a positive impact on the lives of others in your community,

 And always remember-

Awareness is the greatest agent of change.

Hello , I am Kerryn Powell, The Network Catalyst and founder of Your Time Matters. I wish you a well deserved break. It’s been a big year and when you are ready to start work on your business relationships and unearth new opportunities,

Perhaps you would enjoy some of the conversations I have had with some inspiring people on my podcast? You will find them here on spotify

I know we can learn so much from the experience of others who have walked the path before you, so I can support you and help you avoid mistakes, stay on track, and achieve success more quickly and efficiently, by keeping you accountable accountable and moving forward, reach out to me .


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