Seize the day and focus on relationships

Two ears, one mouth and a big heart by Kerryn Powell

I have a photo where the focus is the relationships. It is a photo that I treasure. It shows three generations of women in my family. My mother is in the centre surrounded by her two daughters, two granddaughters and her first great granddaughter. If we took this photo today, you would also see my daughter-in-law, my niece-in-law and her three little girls. My mother would have been delighted; sadly, that photo will never happen. My mother passed away two and a half weeks after the original photo was taken.

What you can’t tell from looking at this photo, but I will share with you now, is this: my mother wasn’t actually there when the photo was taken. We had been trying for a few months to get everyone together, which was no easy feat with the busy lives we all lead and our proximity to each other. When the designated day finally arrived, my mother was quarantined in her aged-care facility due to a gastro outbreak, although she personally was not unwell.

There is always a way to solve a problem

Knowing how difficult it had been to arrange a suitable time for everyone, we decided to improvise and take the photo without Mum and use modern technology to our advantage. We staged several photos placing ourselves as if Mum was with us. The following week, I took a photo of her in an appropriate position and, with the help of a kind, professional photographer in my network who had the knowledge and technical experience needed, had mum photoshopped into her spot in the picture. There is always a way to solve a problem, it just takes some creative thought and support of the right people.

Two and half weeks later my mother died of pneumonia. Thank goodness we had not waited for ‘another time’ and found a way to manipulate the situation as best we could. As my mother was eighty-five years old, we knew time mattered. Her circumstances created a sense of urgency, but I know from other ‘less urgent’ experiences that we should always make the most of opportunities when they occur. Time is a limited and precious resource for every human being and how we use our time always matters. Don’t put off taking action that will improve your situation; all you need is a vision, a resourceful approach, some creative thinking and support to work towards and reach the outcome you are after.

Recognise the importance of your relationships

The Oxford Dictionary defines ‘relationship’ as:

‘The way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected,’ and, ‘The way in which two or more people or groups regard and behave towards each other.’

I like these phrases—they resonate with me. They underscore my belief that the relationships we experience throughout our lives can unlock endless possibilities, support us emotionally, socially, financially and intellectually, and help us live fulfilling lives by providing us with opportunities to have an impact, and make a lasting difference to others.

By engaging not only our ears and mouth in conversation, but also being open to emotionally connect with our heart, we create space for a two-way process to begin—space for a mutual flow as we interchangeably give and receive. My experience is that the time it takes to build and nurture relationships is never wasted. I am sure it will be your experience too. Your time will NOT be wasted; rather your efforts will lead to connection and growth in your personal, professional and business life. Another inevitable outcome is personal satisfaction. Whether the feeling is large or small, we always gain fulfilment from playing a meaningful part in helping someone else have a better experience or outcome.

And perhaps the most significant outcome is that experiencing personal fulfilment has many flow-on effects because you:

• gain a better understanding of your purpose and direction

• develop confidence to step out of your comfort zone

• grow beyond the limits of your personal experience by learning from and emulating others in your network

• create opportunities to inspire your children, friends, family and other people connected to you

• make a difference.

It really is this simple—if you want to make a difference all you have to do is be open to connecting with others without judgement and network with HEART. Your horizons will expand, you will feel energized and supported and you will have opportunities right under your nose to live a more fulfilling life.

Kerryn Powell, The Network Catalyst

Hello, for those of you I have not met, my name is Kerryn Powell. I am a connection strategist, conversation starter and network catalyst who thrives on building communities and creating the right connections for those seeking strategic allies to make a positive impact through connection, contribution and community.

My experience has equipped me with skills and knowledge to work with, encourage, support and empower business owners, professionals , teams and individuals to create true connection through authentic conversations that build real relationships, boost confidence and generate business and opportunities.

The relationships you build all start from the conversations you have. Would you like some help to access those genuine relationships? Book a discovery call today and let’s start a conversation


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