Sharing your story can connect you on a deeper level, both personally and professionally.

Our stories can provide an opportunity to attract those who need our services, would love to support what we are doing, and are motivated by your approach to life and business —whether potential followers, clients, partners, investors and friends.

Storytelling forms your most powerful communication, because it runs deep - it educates, resonates and it sticks. Humans NEED to hear stories, and share stories.

In this episode, Kerryn Powell, The Network Catalyst talks with Cindy Rella, from Rella's Strength and Wellness Hub, who took out the Your Time Matters, Business community, 2022 YTM People’s Choice Award when she shared her personal story and reflections on the topic "WHY ME".

It's an authentic and heart felt conversation reflecting on the value of vision and courage, of trials and tribulations, and the need to be brave.

Hear how Cindy has forged her own path in life, often feeling alone and unsupported. But, regardless she has achieved so much over her almost 5 decades. Including Gold medals on the World Championship stage and the realization that each of us has our own unique experience, from which we can learn and share while inspiring others to be their own brave.


Cindy Rella - Rella’s Strength and Wellness Hub https://www.rellas.com.au



Kerryn Powell, The Network Catalyst- https://www.kerryn-powell.com.au






Who is going to stop me?


Truth and courage are not always comfortable