Who is going to stop me?

The theme for this month is vision and courage.- what does that mean to you?

For Kerryn Powell, The Network Catalyst a vision is the ability to contemplate or plan the future using imagination or wisdom. Yet, often we need more than just a vision, we also need courage to make choices and confront situations that require us to step out of our comfort zone. We may have to experience situations previously unknown. We need to be willing to give it a go. There is anticipation of achieving a positive outcome, yet we need to recognise that what we first expected is not necessarily what we will achieve. Our expectations may need to change, and our path may deviate, even though our vision remains the same.

In this episode, hear a conversation with:

Christine Stow -

  • B. Sc. M.B.A. G.A.I.C.D.

  • Author/ Speaker

  • Winner: International Stevie Women in Business Award Winner

  • Former Local Councillor

  • Founder of Empowered Women in Business

Life was going well for Christine – From working in Forensic Laboratory to moving into Medical sales – as State Manager- she took sales from $200k to $1Million in 3 years.

And her vision of the future changed overnight… and she had to reinvent herself.

She now Empowers Women to step up !

You will hear the steps she took to move forward, influence change and take vision to reality. Learn what else she has in store and how she plans to contribute to others within the community by supporting carers to also live there best life


Christine Stow

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2303018789922387/user/100004706744773/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinestow/

Connect with Kerryn:


Combating loneliness, by creating connection
