7 things to keep in mind when choosing a networking event


If you are going to truly invest in networking as an opportunity to grow your business then you need to decide on your real intent for choosing the events you attend. Then make a plan based clearly on your intention, whether it is solely to 

  • build the right relationships

  • have the right conversations

  • generate leads

  • gain knowledge

  • and, achieve a real return on your networking time, or a combination of the above.

People attend networking events for a variety of reasons.  It is also  important to remember that events attract a variety of audiences. Some networking events  have no clear purpose, others are purely focussed on transactions and referrals, and others provide education and an opportunity to learn new skills and transform your thinking and business. 

There are 7 things you should keep in mind when choosing which events to attend for your business growth

  1. Set yourself Networking Goals and choose events accordingly, then review your outcomes

  2. Have a clear intention of why you are wanting to network

  3. Networking events are not the only way to build a network

  4. Diversify Your Networking Groups

  5. Consider the interests and connections of your Target Market

  6. Never underestimate who you are talking too

  7. Engage in good conversations, and apply good communication skills

The same applies whether you are in business or are seeking employment. You MUST get out and network.  The power of word-of mouth and “who do you know who…? ”  will open doors and opportunities more cost effectively, than advertising your services or answering an advertisement on  an employment  website where hundreds  of people respond for the one job or provide a similar service or product.

So it’s time to brush up your communication skills and get ready to connect .

By the way, have you identified your strengths and weaknesses? It might help you to take the scorecard so you can focus your attention and improve your skills where you need. Here

Then book a discovery call , and have a conversation with Kerryn to see how she can help you.

Visit www.kerryn-powell.com.au

Kerryn Powell, is “The Network Catalyst“ and founder of Your Time Matters , a connection strategist, conversation starter who thrives on building communities and creating the right connections for those seeking strategic allies to make a positive impact through connection, contribution and community.

Tapping into her diverse career portfolio, Kerryn draws on her experience, skills and knowledge to encourage, support and empower business owners, professionals, teams and individuals to create true connection through authentic conversations that build real relationships, boost confidence and generate business and opportunities.

Since 2013 Kerryn has provided opportunity for more than 3000 business owners to engage in more than 12,000 conversations, both face to face and through online events as part of her business, Your Time Matters. BOOK a call TODAY, and have a conversation with Kerryn .


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