How to create a fulfilling life


Living in the moment and finding our purpose and fulfilment is easier said than done.

However, what I have experienced is that networking has provided me with many opportunities and connected me with so many different people from whom I have learnt… almost like being in a virtual classroom.

I have met many change makers, several of spoken at YTM events or on my podcast. They have enabled me to learn a through stories they have shared. I am constantly in awe that there are so many ways to live a life and to make an impact on the lives of others.

Think beyond ourselves


I deliberately designed YTM events to provide not only professional development, but also personal development as we have been exposed to experiences and knowledge from a variety of specialists and experts who have encouraged us to think beyond ourselves and consciously recognise there are change-makers all around us.

In fact, did you know there are more than 56,000 registered charities in Australia? Plus, many thousands more individuals and groups who focus their attention on initiatives designed to help people other than themselves. They all want to transform lives and inspire others, but they are also striving to create meaning for themselves, to create a fulfilling life.

What matters to you

How do you go about creating a fulfilling life you may ask? To begin, you must decide what matters to you and how you would like to make a difference.

You may have heard of Simon Sinek? If not, I strongly recommend you investigate his books and also watch his videos on YouTube. He is a big advocate for considering your WHY. Why do you care? He encourages us all to reflect on our personal WHY. Understanding your WHY is as important to businesses and organisations as it is to individuals. Sinek has developed a process that helps people work out the WHY, then use their new perspective to refocus WHAT they do and HOW they do it. The process is designed to help people understand the unique qualities they bring to everything they do – their point of difference – or what I like to think of as the difference they can make.

Get Really Clear

You need to identify with clarity the key components of your preferred life, what kind of relationships you need to sustain you and how you can build from your current situation to where you want to be. Take some time to answer these questions:

• How well do you know yourself? Have you determined your values? What do you stand for?

• Who do you choose to surround yourself with in your personal and business life? Are these relationships healthy, ethical and mutually beneficial?

• How can you continuously remind yourself of all you are grateful for and show your appreciation to the people who make a difference in your life?

• Can you identify three things you are passionate about and immerse yourself in?

• How would you like to make a difference? What impact would you like to have?


Once you have answered these questions, have a think about your priorities and the gaps you may have found. Are you very clear about what matters to you? Where will your focus be and what outcomes do you desire?

Achieving Your Goals

Whether you are in business, working for an employer or managing family life, it is a good idea to find a mentor who can support you. A mentor can be a friend, someone more senior to you at work or a professional who has the experience or insight you need.

As a mentor, I help to boost the confidence of my clients by role-playing situations, exploring possible connections they need, asking them challenging questions to clarify their needs and values, and holding them accountable to encourage progress.

Access to knowledge and insight

We have access to knowledge and insight into all things through the connections we make. Our relationships have the power to teach, persuade, inspire, motivate and propel us forward. You can make an impact and transform the everyday. Networking is the catalyst. It allows us to link with people, knowledge, experiences and visions, and is not restricted to business development. It is skill enabling us to be life-long learners and will continually expand our thinking.

Networks of strong relationships provide the support we need and can also cheer us up, make us laugh, challenge our beliefs, love us, inspire us and educate us. Our networks are there, often in the background, subtle and strong, and are often just what we need when we are challenged.

Help each other


Listen. Talk to others face-to-face, share stories together, amplify stories that inspire you and, most importantly, engage with your HEART. For when you do, your eyes are opened to endless possibilities: your visions, other people’s hopes and dreams, and the opportunity to help each other. You have the ability to start a ripple effect and make a difference. Don’t wait for a better time; start now … because your time matters.

START NOW and know that I am here to help you and very keen to hear what matters to you!

Kerryn Powell, is “The Network Catalyst“ and founder of Your Time Matters , a connection strategist, conversation starter who thrives on building communities and creating the right connections for those seeking strategic allies to make a positive impact through connection, contribution and community.

Tapping into her diverse career portfolio, Kerryn draws on her experience, skills and knowledge to encourage, support and empower business owners, professionals, teams and individuals to create true connection through authentic conversations that build real relationships, boost confidence and generate business and opportunities.

For the past 7 years, Kerryn has provided opportunity for more than 3000 business owners to engage in face to face events through her business, Your Time Matters. BOOK a call TODAY, and have a conversation with Kerryn to see how she can help you.

Kerryn Powell