Keep moving to reach your goal

Kerryn Powell, The Network Catalyst

Just over six weeks ago, Leigh and I were holidaying in New Zealand. How quickly life can change!

We walked 53 km of a 75 km walk in the Queen Charlotte Sound. On the first day, we were challenged. The track was rougher than expected, it was hot and uphill. Without saying, both of us wondered if we were up for this.

We walk almost everyday when we are at home. It is something we enjoy and its good for us . We knew we would have no trouble with the distance, some 18 kms on that first day. as we had done some longer walks to rehearse, but it was nothing like the reality.

We applied past knowledge. We knew what goes up, must some down, eventually .... so we put one foot after another, sucked in the oxygen, paused when we needed too and then kept going because the destination was our goal.

At the end of that first day, we arrived thankfully at our accommodation. Our legs were tired. We sat in a new environment, taking into account our new surrounds and reflected on what we had achieved over a cold drink and a bowl of chips. We patted ourselves on the back that we had not given up, and knew if we took the track at our own pace and took some time to rest we would be able to tackle the next day and face in to what was ahead.

The moral... move at your own pace...just keep moving and plan the way forward to reach your goal.


Kerryn Powell, The Network Catalyst

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