The essential ingredients to profitable conversations


If you were asking me about how to turn your conversations into business, I would be recommending that you make every conversation count, whether at a business networking event or interacting with your personal network.  Why?  Because every person has connections and when you talk to one, you can reach many.  

The 5 Keys to profitable conversations

I would also point out that there are 5 key areas you need to keep top of mind as you develop skills, so that you make the most of any opportunity that comes your way.

These 5 areas focus on:

·       your own confidence

·       your ability to create connection

·       how you communicate with others

·       your willingness to contribute to success of others

·       and recognising the value of community.

Keeping these at the forefront of your mind will enable you to create an impact and build pathways to opportunities when timing is appropriate. I am more than happy to discuss these further with you at length.

But how do you find those pathways? By focusing on having purposeful conversations you cultivate strong relationships, and often provide assistance and support to your friends, colleagues, or network and their connections so they achieve their desired goal.

Invest in your relationships

How, might you ask? Invest in a relationship.

Rather than focusing on “selling” products and services, when you get the chance to talk with others, solve problems faced by your customers, suppliers, referrers, friends and those they are connected too by standing out and asking “How can I help you?” which will result in both personal and professional satisfaction, knowing  you can really make a positive impact.  

My essential ingredient to a profitable conversation is how you can help others to accelerate their business success and thus improve the opportunity to also turn that conversation into business, when the time is right.

After all, people will only use your service or product when they identify or have the need.  It may not be today, or tomorrow, but if you have invested yourself by simply by sharing your knowledge, experience, resources and expertise doors will open.

Here are the 7 essential ingredients

1.     Listen more than you speak and make sure you are having a two-way exchange. Do not bore others by talking about your own business ad nauseum but be curious and interested in others and gain an understanding of how you may be able to add value or help them solve their challenges.

2.     Look out for opportunities for others to build their business while you are connecting  with your network and help them access trusted advisers ie. Help them by connecting the dots. (I know that one of my strengths is being able to identify the pathway my clients seek from many years of conversations, qualifying questions and interest in people).

3.  Relationships founded on knowing, liking and trust are key, and your conversations will open the doors to opportunities to establish a reliable network. 

4.     You are constantly in touch with your network, not just attending business events, but every waking moment. When appropriate contribute your experience and knowledge without expecting anything in return.

5.     Being fully present in your conversations and willing to move out of your comfort zone and speak with strangers, can uncover opportunities sometimes, like “magic”, so invest.

6.     Recognise that thinking beyond yourself is essential.  Have you heard the BNI term “Givers Gain”? It is very true, I like to think of it as Karma so be prepared to  put in effort and not just sit back and expect business to come to you. 

7.     Follow up your conversations as they are only the start to things to come.  Follow through when you offer assistance, and be the person, true to their word.


In conclusion, imagine yourself in the shoes of your connections…  and “do to others as you would have them do to you”.  Have authentic, honest and real conversations adding value wherever you can.



If you want help to find genuine access to your client, or start turning your conversations into business, book a strategy session with Kerryn Powell.


Kerryn Powell, is “The Network Catalyst“ and founder of Your Time Matters , a connection strategist, conversation starter who thrives on building communities and creating the right connections for those seeking strategic allies to make a positive impact through connection, contribution and community.

Tapping into her diverse career portfolio, Kerryn draws on her experience, skills and knowledge to encourage, support and empower business owners, professionals, teams and individuals to create true connection through authentic conversations that build real relationships, boost confidence and generate business and opportunities.

For the past 7 years, Kerryn has provided opportunity for more than 3000 business owners to engage in face to face events through her business, Your Time Matters. BOOK a call TODAY, and have a conversation with Kerryn to see how she can help you.

Kerryn Powell