The importance of following up conversations to build relationships

My parents used to tell me that even as little girl on holidays, I would talk to and know all about the other campers in the caravan park, long before our site was even set up!

I have always enjoyed meeting people. I am fascinated to learn why they do what they do, how they have evolved overtime and what path they are currently on. I have met and worked with people whose experiences have been vastly different to my own.

What you learn from conversations

What I have learnt is that there is so many ways to live a life. I often describe the world as a kaleidoscope with many moving pieces that fit together. If we are curious, we have the opportunity to be constantly learning from our interactions with each other.

Prior to March 2020, I regularly met up "in person" with connections to learn more. Now of course, the online space has become a very useful tool.

I remember catching up with Fiona.

She had attended several of my YTM Business Connect events before she invited me for a coffee. She was keen to know how I had transitioned my skills. Like me, she had a diverse career and was planning her next steps.

Fiona explained she had worked in creative roles from an early age and her design skills had developed through various avenues. She had also worked for a large retailer in a role that provided opportunities to visit international trade fairs.

Conversations expand our horizons

As I listened to her experiences of visiting trade shows in Florence, I was able to imagine the colours and textures of beautiful yarns from all over Europe. I could sense the excitement of being at an event few Australians ever attend. Having visited Florence myself, I related to her story and my interest in craft and creative pursuits was piqued.

This softly spoken woman had a wealth of experience and extensive knowledge in her chosen field from which she could draw.

Develop your curiosity , questioning skills and knowledge

Of course, I asked lots of questions as I am curious by nature. ..

  • What did she enjoy about her work?

  • What made her want to start her own business?

  • What was she hoping to achieve?

I learnt that she wanted to use her skills in the design and manufacturing field to guide others through the complications of clothing manufacture and production.

Her passion was evident and her eyes sparkled. I could sense her excitement in doing something she really loved.

I reassured her that it is possible to change direction and transition your skills by talking through my experiences. And, by knowing what she wanted to achieve, I could now offer support and watch out for useful connections.

Learn more, strengthen relationships and share insights and knowledge

Those "face-to-face" coffee chats were certainly a fast way to learn more, strengthen relationships and share insights and knowledge.

In more recent times, I have learnt that online conversations work well too. When you are able to have quality conversation and develop your ability to read people and adjust to their style there is so much to gain.

I’d be keen to know, what have you learnt from a “follow up” conversation that has surprised you? Are conversations part of your business strategy?
Would you like to be able to turn your conversations into business, or even benefit from taking them from "awkward to awesome"?

Let's arrange a conversation of our own so I can help you bridge your gaps. Book a time HERE.

Hello, I am Kerryn Powell, The Network Catalyst and founder of Your Time Matters and podcast host of Conversations and connections to amplify and inspire. I am a connection strategist, conversation starter and network catalyst who thrives on building communities and creating the right connections for those seeking strategic allies to make a positive impact through connection, contribution and community.

I draw on my diverse career portfolio, experience, skills and knowledge to encourage, support and empower business owners, professionals, teams and individuals to create true connection through authentic conversations that build real relationships, boost confidence and generate business and opportunities.

For the past 9 years, I have provided opportunity for more than 3000 business owners to engage in real life and online events through her business, Your Time Matters. BOOK a discovery call TODAY, and let’s have a conversation to see how I can help you find, start or improve your business networking.


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